I am a certified NLP coach, timeline therapist, and a healer. I am passionate about coaching authentic souls to live purposeful and passionate lives.
I have been coaching people to find their true purpose and live a more spiritually and emotionally connected life. I had to go through a personal transformation that led me to find my true purpose in life. This was not something that happened in a day, but took a lot of self-disciple, meditation, healing, and finding something I really cared about.


Discovery session:
This session is powerfully designed to get you started on your journey towards gaining clarity and removing resistance. It is also a chance and potential of creating a relationship. It is a chance for us to see if we are the right fit for each other. You will talk about your desires or goals at large and ask any kind of questions you have of me.

Clarity into your future:
This is a group coaching I do once or twice a month. This is a great start onto your journey of self awareness and self development. There are seven clear and powerful steps we go through the process.
Life is unpredictable and surprising. One day you are on the top of the world and next day, everything is messed up.
In these times, you need to have clarity on your value with empowering beliefs to keep you on your path.

Life Purpose Discovery Package :
These sessions will be directed towards understanding the skills, interests and passions that you can begin to nurture in order to make them a service to the people around you and connect it to our purpose in life. We then begin to explore negative impressions like limiting beliefs and past negative emotions that are not letting you move forward in life.

Total breakthrough Package :
These sessions are very powerful in bringing transformative changes in your life. We being with focus on bringing the unconscious clouds/blocks into the conscious mind. There are primarily five clouds we work with through this process (Negative thinking, Negative emotions, Limiting Beliefs and Inner conflicts). As we begin more aware of these patterns, there are amazing tools we use to work around them easily and effortlessly.
This is the ultimate breakthrough. After this, your life will never be the same again.

Designing your life and creating actions plans:
As the four clouds starts disappearing, for the first time you can experience a powerful resourcefulness. You can access powerful vision from within you which needs to be chunked down so that you can work on specific actions to attain your outcome.