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Hearing is the subtlest of the five senses

How does Sound/Frequency and vibration affect my life?

Hearing is the subtlest of the five senses’ it is the first to awake in the fetus and the last to leave the body at death. Thought our most constant and intimate companion, is internalized sound.

Sound is the creative energy of the Absolute, for it is through the power of cosmic sound that the universe is being continuously created, moment to moment: Matter is energy; energy is vibration; vibration is sound.

-Mandukya Upanishad


If you want to learn the secrets of the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration”- Nikola Tesla

If you think reality as a gigantic radio satellite, then we are all frequencies that are being broadcast through the same receiver.

The receiver (pure consciousness, all-that-is, love) whatever you call it offers endless stations all at once, and you can dial into any frequency that feels best.

Just because you dialed into radio city 98.8 doesn’t mean that other stations don’t exist. It so happens that you liked the melodies on that particular station.

Others may find their rhythm from different melodies, but all of life is music nonetheless.

Our frequency in our daily life manifest in what we see, feel and hear. They come in the form of synchronicities, hardships, tribulations and events providing valuable lessons.

Like a moth to a flame, you will keep attracting situations that are in alignment with your vibrations, as every person, place or experience becomes magnetized to you as a mirror that reflects what you are reflecting. You can learn from these experiences and vibrate higher or these same experiences will continue to manifest themselves until your frequency changes.

What has science and religion found out about sound/vibration and frequency?

This importance of sound/vibration/frequency has been understood by many mystery schools of Sufis, Tibetan monks and brought in to life by the work of Dr Masaru Emoto. As shown in the picture we can see how different frequencies of sound changes waters behaviors.


Cymatics on the other had is the study of visual effects of sound on matter. A study through cymatics revealed the primordial sound OM is the same geometric shape as Sri Yantra.

After knowing all this, the question you need to ask yourself is” What frequency do I want to emit in to this universe? Or what frequency do I want to tune into?”

The frequency which has the rhythm of love, beauty, happiness, and kindness that imprints our patterns of perfection to what we “frequently see?” Or do we wish to create patterns of chaos and destruction by vibrating at a low level and perpetuating fear, hatred, judgment, and the illusion of separateness?

Re-wiring our sub-conscious mind

As we know this now, it may take some time before these patterns can integrate in our lives. That means being more aware of the kind of thoughts you have throughout the day.

Here is what I am referring to

A plastic surgeon by the name of Dr Maxwell wrote a book called “Psychocybernetics”. He often repaired facial damage caused by car accidents and burns. In fact, he restored his patients to at least the same state as before if not better.

He also performed surgery on patients who had really ugly noses, cleft palates, and other deformities. The thing that struck him was that once the surgery and recovery time was completed, so many of them still felt ugly and remained depressed about their physical appearance.

That is when he realized that the patterns of ugliness were deeply rooted in their subconscious mind, so he began to study how that could be changed.

If you are not very aware, you cannot notice these patterns lurking in your sub conscious mind. But with more awareness, deliberate incantation, affirmation and visualization, you can completely re-wire your mind. That means a natural change in your behaviors and action leading to new results.

Hiring a coach is the best thing to do because you get an expert on picking out these patterns and speeding up the process.

Here is why I wrote this for you:

  • I wanted to convey the importance of sound, vibration and frequency.
  • Bring an objective understanding through the scientific work done by Cymatics and Dr Masaru Emoto.
  • How you can re-wire the subconscious mind?( M0re detailed in the package I offer)

If you are someone who is really interested, then you have a chance to experience a session absolutely for Free.

All you need to do is send me an email and fill a short assessment where you can share about our visions, goals and desired outcome and what it is that is holding you back.



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