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Do you remember those times in your life when you forgot yourself and the world around you? What was it that you were doing? Were you so engrossed in your task that you lost any sense of time and space? Even though you are putting effort into the task, it made you feel more energized through that process.

That is a state of flow when you merge into the current and creativity that allows you to access great insights and information and take amazing actions.

Hard work is not enough unless we can access these states and allow a greater consciousness to help us out. It allows us to live in vigor and vitality with presence and charisma. We become a flow for greatness and inspiration for those around us. We become the light that makes the darkness disappear.

5 things you can start doing today to make sure that you create more flow into your life

How does one begin to access these states more often in our lives? The answer is emotional regulation. Our actual states are very flowy and fluid in nature but as we grow up get conditioned into creating conflicts and divisions in our mind. This is when our energy gets drained, and we lose ourselves forgetting who we are and what we are capable of.

Tire the body: Go out on a hike, make yourself sweat, the energy stored in the body loses its intensity and cleanses your soul. 

Journaling: Journaling allows you to make sense of what is going on in the mind. First, I write down the event and what I felt about it and then naturally look into what I can learn from it and how I must receive it. 

Talking to someone: It is important who this someone is. It has to be someone who you can trust, be vulnerable with and share your feelings with. Talking to a professional may be a great thing that you can do. 

Meditation: While meditation, the thing that we do not want to face comes into our awareness and as we practice our technique, it raises our energy and awareness through which we can transform the energy, make it into an insight and gather back our flow. 

Satsang: Satsang with the right people and deep revealing conversations is a real energy booster, it gives you the inspiration you need. Perhaps it could mean that you need to submerge deeper into yourself or maybe you need to start taking actions on whatever it is that you have been putting off.

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For the ones who feel this deeply and want to take action not just ponder on it, I want to offer you a Free 30-minute clarity call to help you clarify where you are right now and what is it that is not allowing you to trust your inner voice. If you find the session fruitful, I will then offer you one of my packages which I have already used successfully to get my clients the results they were looking for. 

For the time being, you can follow me on my Facebook page or choose to explore with a Free workbook I created for you, and join the group here where we share tips tricks, and mindsets to help you with this transition. Subscribe to my Youtube channel where I am planning to invite guests who have successfully made that transition and learn about their journey. 

If you have skimmed to the bottom and are like me, here is what this blog is about.

  1. The secret of being productive
  2. Five things you need to do in a regular basis to regulate your emotions.
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