Patterns everywhere
Patterns are all around us. You can find them in nature, in your house, furniture, clothing, even in your own body. We each have a unique fingerprint for that reason. Our mind and the way we think also has a pattern to it. These pattern either empower us and make us successful in our endeavor or a victim in life.
Wired differently.
People who have created impact in their life tend to be different and they are wired differently. They learn to do it consciously, but I think as they grow and experience new thing by breaking the limits, they have set for themselves, they transcend to new states of consciousness, a free mind and download new and empowering patterns that completely shifts their identity altogether.
Four ways Successful people are wired differently.
I met Maggie Doyne today, founder and CEO of Blink now Foundation. Her work, her story was a reminder for me of that.
There is a pattern I get to witness in people who really make a great impact in the world. There are four things I would like to talk about though this blog today,
- They think differently.
“Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget.”
Suzy Kaseem
Maggie shares that as she completed her high school, everyone was telling her about the next steps. But she chose to stop for a while, reflect and ask herself what life is all about? What is her place and what is her purpose?
This led her to take a GAP year where she traveled to the east, first in India then to Nepal. Many of us get dogged down by the narratives in the society, in the school, from our parents and from an entire culture. This does not allow us to explore and sense what life has in store for us. It is rare that people know what their life’s work is but we all have a sense of what it is not and what it might be but we need experience to be able to see it for ourselves.
2. They have a vision
“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”
—Steve Jobs
In Maggie’s story, all she really wanted to do was send the first child to a school. She wanted to impact one life but once she took that first step, it got the ball rolling. When the ball rolls down the hills, it picks up momentum, it picks up everything on its way and becomes bigger, better, stronger. This was also the case for her as it allowed her to have a bigger vision. A vision so compelling that she asked her parents to wire the five thousands dollars she saved up babysitting.
The vision is so compelling that she trusted herself and knew that it was worth every penny, every ounce of energy she spent on it. Today, seventeen years later I think she is bearing the fruits of her labor and sacrifice.
3. They put service first
“When we truly are putting others first, we cannot but feel at peace with ourselves.”
– Eknath Easwaran
This I believe was a turning point in Maggie’s story, one of many. As she moved in the solution of the problem, she quickly realized that just admitting children to schools is not enough, they have other problems that do not allow them fully to immerse themselves in schools. When she realized this, she had to take time to think and thus the idea of starting a children’s home came to her mind. That is what she used those five thousand dollars for. The work expanded into her starting the school “Kopila valley providing free, high-quality education to over 400 students.” In her talk today, she shared how it just kept expanding into mental health support, cleanliness programs, health clinics, and big sister homes. The more she was able to view things from the optics of the children, the more she was able to go deeper into the problems and quickly realized, the community had to be involved and jobs needed to be created for this to sustain itself. That, as she said, became an important value.
4. They do whatever it takes
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen and others make it happen.
– Michael Jordan
At one point, she shared how she ran out of funds and decided to go back home in the states and do whatever she could to send the money back for the project. She did baby sitting, dog sitting whatever she got her hands too. I think it is incredibly challenging to find spark in our lives, it takes both courage and patience. Once we begin to feel the power of it, it connects us back to ourselves and so many hidden potentials and possibilities begin to emerge that it starts to become a movement and so it did. It always ends up being a movement because as humans we can only do so much alone, we need support and skills that other people possess.
I bow down to that courage, that will that Maggie took which inspired me to write this blog. I really hope this gets to her and hopefully she gets to read it as well. If you have reached here, you are awesome and here are some things I want to share with you,
Here is what I have for you
I want to offer you a Free 30-minute clarity call to help you clarify where you are right now and what it is that is not allowing you to trust your inner voice. If you find the session fruitful, I will then offer you one of my packages which I have already used successfully to get my clients the results they were looking for.
For the time being, you can follow me on my Facebook page or choose to explore with a Free workbook I created for you, and join the group here where we share tips, tricks, and mindsets to help you with this transition. Subscribe to my Youtube channel where I am planning to invite guests who have successfully made that transition and learn about their journey.